Dental surgery
We carry out “wisdom” teeth extraction procedures for both those visible in the oral cavity, as well as those whose existence we find out most often by accident after analysing the X-ray image. When erupting, third molars often lead to tooth crowding in the anterior region (so-called tertiary crowding). Unfortunately, after removing the third molars, the resulting crowding remains – the teeth are already shaped; therefore, especially in the case of people with narrow dental arches and those after orthodontic treatment, it is advisable to remove the wisdom teeth before they even begin to erupt.
In the case of leftover tooth roots, they should be removed before they start to hurt because being in the mouth they pose a threat to the whole body. An open, untreated tooth root is a habitat of microorganisms, especially bacteria, that can spread throughout the body, leading to the initiation or activation of serious heart, joint, kidney and eye diseases.
At the RODENTIS Dental Clinic, we carry out several surgical procedures, including:
- autogenous bone transplants
- distraction of the alveolar process
- lifting the floor of the maxillary sinus
- transposition of the inferior alveolar nerve
- exeresis (removal) of the end branches of the trigeminal nerve
- gum and connective tissue grafts
- surgical support of orthodontic treatment (exposing impacted [unerupted] teeth, bone decortication, osteotomy supporting orthodontic treatment, and orthodontic implant placement)