

Toothache comes from one of two places. It comes from the inflamed pulp or the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. In the latter case, pain may appear even in a tooth after root canal treatment.

Treatment in each case consists in removing the masses from the root canals, using tools to run through the entire root to its apex, and then filling the canal with a material that does not irritate the tissues surrounding the tooth root.

Thanks to the use of modern equipment for measuring the length of the canal during treatment, and a special endodontic micromotor that allows the removal of more infected tissues, the patient can expect a lasting therapeutic effect and the procedure under anaesthesia is completely painless.

At the RODENTIS Dental Clinic, we use the highest quality digital X-ray machines (stationary and portable). This allows us to take very precise CT images and accurately assess the treatment process and the final effect.